Structural Engineering & Civil Engineering Informatics
Structural engineering is the branch of civil engineering that deals with large, modern buildings and similar structures. The focus of Civil engineering informatics is on fundamental methods, models and processes of civil engineering, as well as information technology. This provides the basis for the systematic mapping of problems to the computer in such a way that the potential of information technology can be fully exploited.
All aspects of structural engineering are provided for within the group, including structural analysis and computational mechanics, concrete, steel and other structures, building materials with special reference to concrete technology and masonry and fire engineering. Facilities are available for the experimental and numerical examination of structures.
Instruction is provided and research is conducted to lead to improved design and construction of civil engineering structures. The field of Information Technology for Civil Engineers, which resides within this Group, provides for the extensive use of information and modelling in civil engineering.
Fields of specialisation within the Group include concrete technology, 3D printing, building materials and sustainability, fire engineering, structural reliability, steel structures, application of information technology, facilities management and building infrastructure. A well-equipped materials laboratory and a large structural laboratory with servo-hydraulic loading equipment and computerised data measurement systems support advanced studies and research. Extensive computer facilities support structural analysis and information technology for civil engineers.
The Group also offers specialist consultation services to industry. In addition to commissioned research, industry is provided the opportunity to support academic research and to support training of specialists in the post-graduate programs.
Within the Group, the Centre for Development of Sustainable Infrastructure (CDSI) and the Unit for Construction Materials (UCM) strive to be centres of excellence and top institutes for infrastructure development and construction materials in South Africa for teaching, research and consulting. Members include both staff and postgraduate students, with a wide network of local and international collaborators. Student training and teaching is the fundamental function of the CDSI and the UCM, but service to the industry by means of consulting and dissemination of information in the form of seminars, is paramount to ensure relevancy.
For enquiries regarding laboratory testing services, contact Prof Riaan Combrinck.

Prof Adewumi Babafemi

Short Bio
Prof AJ Babafemi had his undergraduate and master’s degrees from Obafemi Awolowo University, where he was lecturing. He obtained his PhD degree at the Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, South Africa in 2015. He was also a postdoctoral research fellow at the university between 2016 and 2017. He joined the department as a Senior Lecturer in 2019. He is a member of the Unit for Construction Materials (UCM) and the current Package Coordinator of Structural Engineering and Civil Engineering Informatics.
PhD (Civil Engineering), Stellenbosch University (2015)
M.Sc. (Building Structures), Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria (2011)
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Building), Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria (2001)
Professional Experience
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Jul. 2024 to date
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Aug. 2022 to Jun. 2024
Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Aug. 2019 to Jul. 2022
Senior Lecturer, Department of Building, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, Oct. 2018 – Aug. 2019
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, May 2016 – June 2017
Graduate Assistant – Lecturer I, Department of Building, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, Nov. 2005 – Sept. 2018.
Lecturer III, Department of Building Technology, Waziri Umaru Polytechnic, Birnin-Kebbi, Nigeria, Dec. 2003 – Dec. 2005.
Honours, Awards, Memberships
Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund, Nigeria) for Academic Staff Training & Development Programme, 2011-2014.
Sub-Committee B Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Stellenbosch University, May 2016-June 2017.
Sub-Committee B New Appointees Funding, Stellenbosch University, 2020
African Collaboration Grant (ACG) 2020
RILEM Senior (#31890)
NRF Rated Researcher – C2
Pr Tech Eng, ECSA (2024301826)
Corporate Member, SAICE (2012922)
Registered Professional Builder, CORBON (F.1334)
Corporate Member, MNIOB (M.0001408)
Member, Concrete Society of Southern Africa
Research Interests
Fibre reinforced cement-based materials
Time-dependent behaviour of cement-based materials
Green building materials
Use of supplementary cementitious materials in concrete
Durability properties of cement-based materials
Construction material behaviour in fire
Geopolymer concrete
3D concrete printing
Selected Publications
International Collaborations
Prof. Suvash C. Paul (IUBAT, Bangladesh)
Dr. Biranchi Panda (IIT Guwahati, India)
Dr. Md Jihad Miah (University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh)
Dr. Babatunde J. Olawuyi (FUTMinna, Nigeria)
Dr. BrankoSavija(DUT, The Netherlands)
Dr. Jonathan Phuong Tran (RMIT University, VIC, Australia)
Strength of Materials 254

Prof Riaan Combrinck

Short Bio
Prof Combrinck obtained his BEng, MScEng and PhD at Stellenbosch University between 2005 and 2016. He was appointed as lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department of Stellenbosch University in 2013 and is currently a senior lecturer. His teaching and research interests are construction materials with a special interest in cement and concrete materials. He has published internationally and also in South Africa and leads the Unit of Construction Materials (UCM) within the Structures Division of Stellenbosch University. The UCM supports several postgraduate students and research projects, and also provides specialist consultant services to industry, especially related to testing and development of construction materials
BEng and MScEng (both cum laude), PhD, PrEng
Research Interests
Prof Combrinck’sbroader research theme is anything related to concrete and construction materials. The current research focus is the behaviour and modelling of cracking in ordinary, high performance and 3D-printed concrete in the plastic state, with special interest in preventing cracking to improve the concrete’s durability as well as increase the overall service life of the structure. Other focuses include, compatibility issues between cement and admixtures, fatigue of fibre reinforced concrete, creep of textile reinforced concrete, luminescent and translucent concrete, 3D-printed concrete as well as the characterisation of fresh concrete using rheology.
Selected Publications
Building Materials 254

Prof Nico de Koker

BSc (UJ), BScHons (Wits), PhD (U. Michigan), BScEng (Wits), PhD (Stell)
Research Interests
Computational Physics, Uncertainty Quantification,
Selected Publications
Uncertainty quantification in computational physics, as applied to the modelling thermo-mechanical systems in structural and mechanical engineering using the finite element method and limit equilibrium analyses. Meaningful use of information technology and numerical simulations in engineering design.
Engineering Informatics 314

Prof Wibke de Villiers
Short Bio
Wibke joined Stellenbosch University as a lecturer in Structural Engineering in 2011, is registered as a professional engineer with ECSA and is a member of the Unit for Construction Materials research group. Her research interests lie in masonry, alternative building materials, low-income housing and life cycle analysis.
PhD (Civil Engineering) Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2019
MScEng (Civil) Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2008
BEng (Civil) Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2006
Professional Experience
2024 – present: Associate Professor, Structural Engineering, SU
2020 – 2023: Senior Lecturer, Structural Engineering, SU
2011 – 2019: Lecturer, Structural Engineering, SU
2009 – 2010: Structural Design Engineer, Aurecon, South Africa
Honours, Awards, Memberships
PrEng ECSA (202302777)
Associate Member SAICE (206312)
Member – SABS/TC 098/SC/ 05: Technical Committee for Design of Masonry Structures – Standards Development
2019 HL Reitz Medal for Best Postgraduate Student in Civil Engineering
2018 PhD Grant to 72nd RILEM Week, Delft, Netherlands
2006 Best Student in Structural Steel Design
2005 Best Student in Communication in Civil Engineering
2003 Liebenberg & Stander Prize for Best First Year Student in Civil Engineering
Research Interests
Alternative building materials
Low-income housing
Life cycle analysis
Selected Publications
Scopus, Orcid, Google Scholar, Research Gate
International Collaborations
Prof Susanne Gampfer, Augsburg UAS, Germany
Dr Stephen Di’anga, JKUAT, Kenya
Strength of Materials 143 & 224
Theory of Structures 324
Building Materials 254 (Sustainability)
Cement-Based Materials (MEng elective)

Mrs Courtney Devine
Short Bio
Courtney K. Rhoda received her B.Eng. (Mechatronic) and M.Eng. (Electrical) degrees from Stellenbosch University in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Her M.Eng. was primarily focused on electric vehicles, using probabilistic techniques to model the effects of electric vehicle charging and discharging. She is currently a Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) candidate at Stellenbosch University and is part of the Fire Engineering Research Unit. Since 2017 she has been tutoring, coaching and mentoring senior students from selected schools in the subjects of Mathematics and Physical Science to prepare them for tertiary education and for career paths in mathematics, science and engineering. She has recently been appointed as a Junior Lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department at Stellenbosch University.
BEng (Mechatronic), MEng (Electrical) SU
Honours, Awards, Memberships
In 2019 Ms. Rhoda won the award for Best Presenter at the Sixth Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institution Student Workshop, Johannesburg.
Research Interests
Ms. Rhoda’s research is aimed at promoting plastic recycling by focussing on fire safety in plastic recycling facilities. Other areas of interest include renewable energy and electric vehicles.
Strength of Materials 143

Dr Humaira Fataar
Short Bio
Dr Fataar completed her undergraduate studies studies in 2016 at Stellenbosch University. She then continued to pursue her Masters degree in fatigue of Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) in 2017 and upgraded to PhD in 2019, which she obtained in 2022. She is currently appointed as a junior lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at Stellenbosch University.
Research Interests
Fibre reinforced concrete
Fatigue of concrete
3D printed fibre reinforced concrete
Selected Publications
Steyn, Z.C., Babafemi, A.J., Fataar, H. and Combrinck, R., 2020. Concrete containing waste recycled glass, plastic and rubber as sand replacement. Construction and Building Materials, p.121242.
Strength of Materials 143

Prof Trevor Haas

• Ph.D. (Eng.) – Stellenbosch University – 2007
• M.S. (Civil Eng.) – Southern Illinois University at Carbondale – 1999
• N.H. Dip (Civil Eng.) – Peninsula Technikon – 1992
• N. Dip (Civil Eng.) – Peninsula Technikon – 1991
Professional Experience
• My professional experience was mainly obtained within an educational environment; i.e. at a University of Technology and traditional University.
• Numerous structural analysis projects for consulting engineers mainly in the structural analysis / earthquake engineering / engineering education environment.
• I conducted numerous engineering accreditation evaluations of Civil Engineering programs at various Universities of Technology, on behalf of the Engineering Council of South Africa.
Honours, Awards, Memberships
• Pr Eng – Engineering Council of South Africa
• Pr Tech Eng – Engineering Council of South Africa
Research Interests
• Structural engineering, Seismic analysis, Structural dynamics, Engineering education
Selected Publications
• M. Solms, Haas, T. N, “Alternative Approach to Analysing Infrastructure Using Limited Acceleration Time History Analysis”, Presented at 2016 International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2016), Hong Kong, 9 – 11 July 2016, International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research Vol. 6, No. 2, May 2017
• M. Solms, Haas, T. N, “Seismic evaluation of the north bound N1-R300 bridge interchange”, The South African Journal of Civil Engineering, SAICE, Vol 58, No. 4, December 2016, pg 62 to 71, Paper # 1475.
• Haas, T. N., A. Koen, “Eccentric Loading of CFDST Columns”,International Journal of Civil, Architectural, Structural and Construction Engineering Vol: 8 No: 12, 2014, pg 1191 to 1195.
• Haas, T. N., “Maximum Horizontal Longitudinal Force Due To Crane Loading Using A Coupled Approach”, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal, CiVEJ, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2014, pg 91 to 101
• Albertyn H., Haas, T. N., Dunaiski, P., “Accounting for moment-rotation joint and column base response in analysis of portal frames to determine displacements”, The South African Journal of Civil Engineering. SAICE, Vol 56, No. 1, April 2014, pg 69 to 76.
• Haas, T. N., Smith, D., “Are reinforced concrete bridges more economical than structural steel bridges?”,The Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, JJCE, Vol. 8, No.1, 2014, January 2014, pg 43 to 57
International Collaborations
• I am collaborating with various academics to develop codified requirements for Concrete Filled Double Skin Tubular columns.
• Strength of Materials 224 (Currently teaching)
• Strength of Materials 143 and 254 (Previously taught)

Prof Jacques Kruger

Short Bio
Dr Jacques Kruger Pr Eng is currently an Extraordinary Associate Professor of Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University. He designed, procured and manufactured Africa’s first industrial grade, gantry type 3D concrete printer. An internationally renowned specialist in extrusion-based digitally fabricated concrete, he has respectively authored and reviewed more than 40 international journal and conference research articles. Jacques also provides specialised structural engineering consulting services to practising engineers, contractors, architects and developers, including large-scale experimental testing of novel structural building systems toward certification.
PhD (Structural Engineering), Stellenbosch University, 2019
BEng (Civil Engineering, Cum Laude), Stellenbosch University, 2016
Professional Experience
Senior Lecturer of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Jan 2023 – Dec 2024
Laboratory Manager, Structure and Building Materials Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University, Aug 2019 – Dec 2023
Honours, Awards, Memberships
• Professionally registered engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa, 2023 – Present
• Full member of Sigma Xi, 2023 – Present
• Member of the CCSA Young Concrete Researchers, Engineers & Technologists Symposium (YCRETS2023) Scientific Committee, 2023.
• Technical Employee of the Year for the Faculty of Engineering, Stellenbosch University, 2022.
• Member of RILEM Technical Committee: PFC: Performance requirements and testing of fresh printable cement-based materials, 2021 – Present.
• Member of RILEM Technical Committee: ADC: Assessment of additively manufactured concrete materials and structures, 2021 – Present.
• Member of the RILEM Digital Concrete conference (DC2022) Scientific Committee, 2021-2022.
• Member of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE), 2021 – Present
• Young engineering member of the fib, 2021 – Present
• Young member of RILEM, 2021 – Present
• Member of the fib Task Group 2.11: Structures made by digital fabrication, 2020 – Present.
• Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) Prize for the Most Deserving Work in the Field of Concrete Engineering, 2019
• Top Young Achiever Award from the Southern African Institute of Steel Construction (SAISC), 2017
Research Interests
Jacques’ research interests all relate to 3D concrete printing/digitally fabricated concrete, which include:
• Advanced construction materials development
• Rheology & rheo-mechanics
• Structural mechanics
• Interface mechanics
• Analytical modelling
Selected Publications
A list of Jacques’ published works can be found on his Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.
International Collaborations
Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e, The Netherlands), Profs Theo Salet & Freek Bos, 3D printable materials and characterisation methods for buildability quantification, 2018-2020.
• Undergraduate:
Final Year Project 458
Building Materials 254 (3D Concrete Printing)
• Postgraduate:
1st RILEM/fib International PhD Summer School on Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures, Capri Italy, 11-14 July 2023

Prof Pierre van der Spuy

Bridge Engineering and Renewable Energy Structures
Short Bio
Pierre is an Adjunct Associate Professor as well as an Associate with Zutari. He is registered as a Professional Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa and is a member of SAICE, IABSE and IABMAS. His research interests include topics in bridge engineering in particular traffic load modelling for bridge design. As a practicing engineer he specialises in bridge analysis and design, including non-linear finite element modelling of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges. The types of bridges include incrementally launched bridges, precast segmental balanced cantilever bridges, long span arch bridges, prestressed box girder bridges, prestressed voided slab bridges, prestressed precast beam and slab bridges and normal reinforced concrete bridges. He also has experience in analysis and design of coastal structures and renewable energy structures. Renewable energy structures mainly consist of wind turbine foundations for which he is one of the leading designers in South Africa and the African continent. He has presented courses to industry on this topic.
BEng (SU), MEng (UCT), PhD (Stell)
Professional Experience
2009 to 2015 : Aurecon (Structural Engineer)
2015 to 2016 : BVi (Bridge Design Line Manager)
2016 to 2019 : Aurecon (Senior Bridge Engineer)
2017 to 2019 : Stellenbosch University (Adjunct Senior Lecturer and PhD candidate)
2020 : Aurecon Dubai (Principal Engineer)
2020 to current : Zutari (previously Aurecon) (Associate)
2021 to current : Stellenbosch University (Adjunct Associate Professor)
Honours, Awards, Memberships
SAICE South African Young Engineer of the Year 2017
South African Institution of Civil Engineering National Technical Excellence award – Most Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement for the Olifants River Arch Bridge (design engineer)
Concrete Society of South Africa Fulton Award – Best Infrastructure Project >R 100 million for the new Olifants River Arch Bridge (design engineer)
South African Institution of Civil Engineering Regional Award – Best Structure for the new Olifants River Arch Bridge (design engineer)
South African Institution of Civil Engineering Regional Award – Technical Excellence for the new Olifants River Arch Bridge (design engineer)
Consulting Engineers South Africa Engineering Excellence Award – Best Project with a value above R 250 million for the Ramp E Incrementally Launched Bridge (design engineer)
Concrete Society of South Africa Fulton Award – Commendation for Ramp E Incrementally Launched Bridge (design engineer)
South African Institution of Civil Engineering Structural Division Award for the Ramp E Incrementally Launched Bridge (design engineer)
Engineering Council of South Africa’s medal for the best student over 4 years in engineering across all disciplines at Stellenbosch University for the period 2005 – 2008
Best second year student in Civil Engineering (2006)
Best third year student in Civil Engineering (2007)
Best second year student in Civil Engineering Informatics (2006)
Best third year student in Civil Engineering Informatics (2007)
Best third year student in Concrete Design (2007)
Best fourth year student in Transportation Engineering (2008)
SAICE Award for the student that made the largest contribution to the advancement of the Civil Engineering industry in South Africa
Research Interests
Bridge engineering and renewable energy structures
Selected Publications
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2018). Developing a new bridge live load model for South Africa. International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS). Melbourne: Taylor & Francis
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2019). Towards a new bridge live load model for South Africa. Structural Engineering International. DOI: 10.1080/10168664.2018.1561168
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2019). Multiple lane reduction factors based on multiple lane weigh in Motion data. Structures.
• Van der Spuy, PF & Niehaus, H. (2018). Strengthening, rehabilitation and widening of the existing arch bridge on national route 7 over the Olifants River, South Africa. International Conference on Concrete Repair, Retrofitting and Rehabilitation. Cape Town: Matec Web of Conferences.
• Viljoen, D, Schrecker, M & Van der Spuy, PF. (2018). Rehabilitation of the Port Nolloth Jetty. International Conference on Concrete Repair, Retrofitting and Rehabilitation. Cape Town: Matec Web of Conferences.
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2019). Establishing the effect of the tail length on extrapolation when fitted to WIM data. RILEM SMSS 2019. Croatia: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2019). Dynamic amplification factor for South African Bridges. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town: Taylor & Francis
• Van der Spuy, PF, Lenner, R, De Wet, T & Caprani, C. (2019). Multilane Reduction Factors Based on WIM Data. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town: Taylor & Francis
• Van der Spuy, PF & Niehaus, H. (2019). Design of the Olifants River arch bridge in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town: Taylor & Francis
• Meyer, MW, Lenner, R & Van der Spuy, PF. (2019). The development of a vehicle-bridge interaction model for South African traffic. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town: Taylor & Francis
• Lenner, R, Basson, SE, Sykora, M & Van der Spuy, PF. (2021). Reliability performance of bridges designed according to TMH7 NA Load model. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering.
• Van der Spuy, PF & Lenner, R. (2021). Reliability calibration of a bridge traffic load model. Fib Symposium. Lisbon.
• Boros, V, Lenner, R, O’Connor, A, Orcesi, A, Schmidt, F, Van der Spuy, PF & Sykora, M. (2021). Traffic loads for existing bridges. IABSE Congress. Ghent.
Advanced Design 446 (structures)
Final Year Project 458
Bridge Engineering and Renewable Energy Structures

Dr Algurnon van Rooyen

PhD (Civil Engineering) Stellenbosch University – 2020
MSc (Civil Engineering) Stellenbosch University – 2013
BEng (Civil Engineering) Stellenbosch University – 2010
Professional Experience
Lecturer: Department of Civil Engineering, Stellenbosch University 2013-
Honours, Awards, Memberships
The Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) prize for the most deserving work in the field of Concrete Engineering, Stellenbosch University, 2020
Research Interests
My research is focused on structural lightweight foamed concrete (LWFC). The goal of the research is to use LWFC as an energy efficient construction material. Durability aspects of LWFC, fracture mechanics, Fiber reinforced concrete, alkali activated materials (alternative concretes) and 3D printing of concrete are also an interest of mine.
Selected Publications
A list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile.
Strength of Materials 143

Prof Gideon van Zijl

Short Bio
Gideon is Professor of Structural Engineering since 2001, registered Professional Engineer since 1993 and Fellow of the South African Institute of Civil Engineers and the South African Academy of Engineering. Since Inaugurating the Centre for Development of Sustainable Infrastructure (CDSI) in 2002, he leads research in development and modelling of new cement-based construction materials and structures, and structural, computational and durability mechanics. 3D construction printing is the current focus of the CDSI to increase productivity and sustainable employment in construction of sustainable infrastructure.
• PhD (2000) (Civil Engineering) Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
• DEng (2016), MEng (1990), BEng (1986) (Civil) Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Professional Experience
• 2021-present Distinguished Professor in Civil Engineering, SU
• Visiting Professor Gifu, Japan (2010), Nanyang, Singapore (2016), Delft (2010, 2016)
• 2001-2020 Professor of Structural Engineering, SU
• 2010-2015, 2021 Head Department of Civil Engineering, SU
• 2001-2005, 2009, 2017-2018 Head Division for Structural Engng & Civil Engng Informatics, SU
• 2001-2004, 2006-2009 Postgraduate Program Head, Civil Engng, SU
• 1999-2009 Research Fellow, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
• 1995-1999 Assistant Researcher, Civil Engng and Geosciences, TU Delft
• 1992-1995 Lecturer, Civil Engng, SU
• 1989-1992 Structural Engineer/Project manager, Bureau for Mechanical Engng, SU
• 1987-1989 Researcher, Institute for Structural Engng, Civil Engng, SU
Honours, Awards, Memberships
• Editorial Advisory Boards of fib Structural Concrete, SAICE Journal, Materials and Structures
• Chancellor’s Award Learning and Teaching 2020 SU
• Top 2% of world scientists since 2019
• Research Excellence Awards 2018, 2019, 2020, SU
• Lecturer of the year 2012, Engineering Faculty, SU
• THRIP/DTI award 2011: Runner up Human Resource Quality and Quantity of students
• Upcoming Researcher of the year (2006), Engineering Faculty, SU
• H.L. Reitz medal for best postgraduate student in Civil Engineering, SU, 1990.
• Top Final year Civil Engineering student, 1986, SU
• Academic Colours of SU, 1986
Research Interests
3D concrete printing
Structural Mechanics
Computational Mechanics
Selected Publications
A list of his published works can be found on his Scopus, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar profiles.
Theory of Structures 354 – Finite Element Method 2005-2015, 2020-
Theory of Structures 324 – Continuum Mechanics 2007-2009
Structural Design: Reinforced Concrete 314 1992 – 1995
Construction Materials 244 / 254 2001-2008
Strength of Materials 244 / 254 2002 – 2005
Strength of Materials 214 / 224 2001 – 2004, 2017, 2018
Strength of Materials 144 / 143 2001, 2004, 2005
PhD & Master’s course Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Modelling (AMMM) 2010-
Master’s course Cement-based materials 2017, 2018

Prof Celeste Viljoen

Short Bio
Prof Viljoen is passionate about the training of engineering students, graduates and professionals as a driver of economic progress, environmental sustainability and reducing social inequalities. She currently serves as vice-dean: Teaching in the Faculty of Engineering.
PhD (Structural Engineering)
Honours, Awards, Memberships
ECSA PrEng; Fellow of SAICE, Member of various SABS technical committees.
Research Interests
Risk-based decision making; Structural design and Standardisation; Structural Reliability.
Prof Viljoen is a specialist in structural design and reliability. Her research informs standardisation of structural design, including the basis of design; quantification of wind loads; serviceability of liquid retaining structures; reinforced concrete design; and assessment of existing structures. She further contributes by translating research findings and insight into practice through standardisation and the presentation of Continued Professional Development courses.
Selected Publications
Link to ORCID or Scopus:
Orcid Author ID: 0000-0002-4652-7452
Scopus Author ID: 55802382300
International Collaborations
Joint Committee for Structural Safetyhttps://www.jcss-lc.org/; Member of ISO TC 98/SC 2/WG 11 for the revision of ISO 13824.
Strength of Materials 143; Structural Design 354; Advanced Design 446;
Probability and Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering; Continuum Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis
Continued Professional Development:
Wind Loads on Structures;Design of Liquid Retaining Structures; Basis of Design; Assessment of Existing Structures; Construction Risk Management.

Prof Richard Walls

Short Bio
Prof Richard Walls is the head of the Fire Engineering Research Unit at Stellenbosch University, Africa’s first research team with a focus on fire engineering and structural fire design. Various fire related topics are currently being investigated, such as the design of steel structures in fire, analysis of structures in fire, forensic fire investigations, 3D printed concrete in fire, materials behaviour and informal settlement fire behaviour. Full-scale fire tests on shacks have been conducted on around seventy homes to understand fire behaviour, spread and how to reduce the impact of such fires. Consulting work has been done for companies developing rational structural fire design systems, and ascertaining the fire resistance of products. He was part of the team analysing the Knysna fire disaster, sponsored by Santam, and specifically considered why almost 1000 homes were lost in South Africa’s largest wildland fire disaster. He has contributed to publications by the United Nations and World Bank on developing world fire safety issues.
PhD (Structural fire engineering) – Stellenbosch University
MSc (Structural engineering) – University of the Witwatersrand
GDE (Materials and geotech) – University of the Witwatersrand
BScEng(Civil) – University of the Witwatersrand
BTh (Theology) – SA Theological Seminary
Professional Experience
2010-2014: Worked as a structural engineer on industrial, commercial and petrochemical projects in industry before joining SU. Experience in design of steel, concrete, composite, retaining and industrial structures.
2014-present: Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Honours, Awards, Memberships
In 2020 he was awarded the “TW Kambule-NSTF Award: Emerging Researcher” national award. The national NSTF-South32 Awards are the largest Science, Engineering & Technology & Innovation (SETI) awards in South Africa, known as the ‘Science Oscars’. His research has been covered by multiple newspapers, radio stations and websites.
Stellenbosch University Engineering Faculty Awards: Best post-graduate thesis in Civil Engineering 2016; Emerging Researcher of the Year in 2017; Academic of the Year in 2020.
Fellow of the SA Institute of Civil Engineers.
Research Interests
Fire safety engineering in general with focus areas on:
– Structural fire design
– Fire dynamics
– Informal settlement fire safety
– Material and product development
Selected Publications
A list of his published works can be found on his Google Scholar profile.
International Collaborations
University of Edinburgh, Oklahoma State University, National Fire Protection Association (USA), Kindling Safety (USA).
Funding has been received from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, Royal Academy of Engineering and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (UK).
SD424 Structural design – Steel structures
Fire Behavior – MEng elective
Structural Fire Engineering – MEng elective
Specific research topics for the upcoming year are available below but feel free to contact our researchers directly as well.
Structural Engineering and Civil Informatics Research Topics 2025