Water and Environmental Engineering
Water and environmental engineering has to do with water resources development and management, yield analysis, low and flood flow hydrology, river hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures such as dams, tunnels and pump stations, water services, water quality and water treatment, as well as coastal and port engineering.
In the Water Division, fields of specialisation include river and stormwater hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures, hydrology, water services, water quality and treatment, and port and coastal engineering.
The division is endowed with an excellent and spacious hydraulic laboratory where a large number of model studies have been performed. Computer modelling also finds wide application in research and specialist consulting work.
Dr Adèle Bosman
Short Bio
Adèle Bosman is a lecturer in Hydraulics Engineering at the Stellenbosch University. She holds a BEng, MSc and PhD (civil engineering), all from Stellenbosch University. For the past 12 year she specialised in the design of Hydraulic Structures, and River and Reservoir hydrodynamic modelling and rock sour studies. Previously she worked for Aurecon for five year, where she was involved mainly in the design of water and wastewater treatment plants.
BEng (Civil), MSc (Civil), PhD (Civil)
Professional Experience
2009-2013: Engineer, Aurecon Cape Town
2013 – 2023: Lecturer: Stellenbosch University, Department of Civil Engineering
2024 – present: Senior Lecturer: Stellenbosch University, Department of Civil Engineering
Honours, Awards, Memberships
Member of the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA)
Awarded Best Presenter by a YPF member at the 2019 SANCOLD Conference
Research Interests
Design of Hydraulic Structures
River and reservoir hydrodynamic modelling
Sedimentation and rock scour studies
Physical and numerical modelling
Selected Publications
• Bosman A and Basson GR (2020). Physical model study of bedrock scour downstream of dams due to spillway plunging jets, Journal of South African Institute of Civil Engineering, 62(3), 36-52. ISSN 1021-2019.
• Bosman A and Basson GR (2019). Rock scour hole equilibrium geometry prediction for plunging jets at dams. SANCOLD Annual Conference: Sustainable long-term dam infrastructure development and management, Benoni, South Africa, 6-8 November.
• Bosman A, Basson GR, Bosman DE (2016). Hydraulic model study of the blowback behaviour of the bottom outlet of the Berg River Dam, South Africa. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 58(1), 43-52.
Hydraulic Structures 424 and Hydraulics 354
Prof Kobus du Plessis
Short Bio
Prof JA du Plessis has more than 33 years of experience in the field of water engineering, which includes 16 years in industry. His industry work experience includes working for the Department of Water and Sanitation, the Department of Agricultural, the City of Cape Town and as Director of Water Supply for the West Coast District Municipality, where he gained experience with water related institutional arrangements and specifically the Water Act and Water Service Act.
He joins the University of Stellenbosch in 2003 and is presently a Professor in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department. He is a former Head of the Department of Civil Engineering.
BEng (Civil Engineering), M Eng (Risk management of water resources) and PhD (Integrated water demand management in local governance).
Honours, Awards, Memberships
Professional registered engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa.
Fellow Member of the SA Institute of Civil Engineers (SAICE).
Fellow Member of the Institute of Municipal Engineers of Southern Africa (IMESA).
Council and EXCO member of IMESA.
Member of the Education and Training panel for SAICE.
Member on the Editorial Panel of the SAICE Journal.
Member of the International Association for Water, Environment, Energy and Society.
NRF Level C2
Research Interests
Prof Du Plessis specialised in water resource evaluations, flood hydrology and he provide institution support to various local authorities. He has a special interest in the modelling of conjunctive water use (surface / groundwater/ desalination and re-use) on a daily time step as well as the various flood related topics, including the use of Radar data and regional maximum floods.
Selected Publications
Visit my Google Profile (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=A6ROXt0AAAAJ) for a complete list of my publications
Water Resources, Flood Hydrology and Environmental Engineering
Mr Tanduxolo Nguza
Short Bio
Completed my BEng in Civil at the University of Pretoria and my MEng (Water) at Stellenbsoch University. Engineering consulting experience in municipal infrastructure and SA Army Engineering experience in Bailey Bridge building, water purification and sewer network maintenance.
Professional Experience
4 years
Research Interests
Sewer sediment management and Sewer Information Management Systems
Hydraulics 324
Dr Andre Theron
Short Bio
Andre Theron is a senior lecturer in port, coastal and water engineering at University of Stellenbosch (US). He holds a PhD and MEng (both US) and has specialised in port and coastal engineering for the past 30 years. His fields of expertise are port and coastal engineering, coast and estuarine hydro- & sediment-dynamics, and coastal environmental studies. He started his career at Department of Water Affairs, then went to CSIR and joined US in 2015.
PhD Civil (Coastal) engineering – University of Stellenbosch 2016
M.Eng Water (Port & Coastal) engineering – University of Stellenbosch2004
B.Eng Civil engineering – University of Stellenbosch 1981
Professional Experience
Specialist (30 years’ experience) on: port & coastal engineering, nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, coastal erosion, planning and design of port & coastal developments, coastal protection, estuarine hydro- and sediment-dynamics, and coastal physical environmental studies/impacts.
Expertise (6 years’ experience) on: planning and design of irrigation schemes, operation of water supply schemes and purification plants, construction of rural water supply schemes and purification plant, planning of water resource developments.
Research Interests
Port & coastal engineering, nearshore hydrodynamics, sediment transport, coastal erosion& flooding, planning and design of port & coastal developments, coastal protection, estuarine hydro- and sediment-dynamics, coastal physical environmental impact studies, and coastal climate change impacts.
Selected Publications
Barwell L, Theron A K and Rossouw M. (2014). Responding to Coastal Climate Change in Mozambique, a Low Data Availability Context. Paper presentation at 2014 PIANC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, June 1 -5, 2014. pp 19
Booysen Z and Theron A K. (2020). Methods for predicting berm height at Temporarily Open/Closed Estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Volume 245, 2020, 106906, ISSN 0272-7714, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106906.
Nel JL, Le Maitre DC, Nel DC, Reyers B, Archibald S, van Wilgen BW, Forsyth GG, Theron AK, et al. (2014) Natural Hazards in a Changing World: A Case for Ecosystem-Based Management. PLoS ONE 9(5): e95942. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095942
Rautenbach, C., Theron, A.K., Joubert, W. and Van Niekerk, L. (2017). Coastal Zone (Chapter 9: 91-99). In Davis-Reddy, C.L. and Vincent, K. 2017. Climate Risk and Vulnerability: A Handbook for Southern Africa (2nd Ed), CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa. Pp202. ISBN 978-0-620-76522-0 (electronic version).
Rautenbach C. and Theron A.K. (2018). Study of the Durban Bight shoreline evolution under schematised climate change and sand-bypassing scenarios. Journal of the South African Institute of Civil Engineering. December 2018:60(4), Art. #0273, Pages 2–15. ISSN 1021-2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2309-8775/2018/v60n4a1
Schoonees, J S and Theron, A K (1993). Review of the field-data base for longshore sediment transport. Coastal Eng. Journal, Vol. 19: 1-25.
Schoonees, J S and Theron, A K (1995). Evaluation of 10 cross-shore sediment transport/ morphological models. Coastal Eng. Journal, Vol. 25: 1-41.
Schoonees J.S. and Theron A.K. (2018). Small Coastal Stormwater Outlets: Literature Review and Design Guidelines. P22:A35. 13pp. 82nd IMESA Conference, Port Elizabeth 30 October 2018 – 02 November 2018. South Africa.
Taljaard S, Slinger JH, Morant PD, Theron AK, Van Niekerk L, Van der Merwe J. (2012). Implementing Integrated Coastal Management in a Sector-Based Governance System. (Journal) Ocean & Coastal Management 67 (2012) 39-53. Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2012.06.003
Theron, A K (1994). Sea level rise, impacts and the use of Bruun’s erosion rule. Journal SA InstCivEng, Vol 36, No 3, Fourth Quarter 1994: 6-10.
Theron, A K, Diedericks G, Maherry A and Rossouw M (2010). Potential impacts of climate change on the coastal zone: How far from the sea should we be? (Book chapter) In SA Risk & Vulnerability Atlas, DST (& CSIR) Pretoria. ISBN 978-0-620-45659-3
Theron, A K. (2011). “Climate change, sea level rise and the southern African coastal zone: a general revue of causes, consequences and possible responses.” (Book chapter) In: Observations on Environmental Change in South Africa (editor Larry Zietsman). DST & SAEON, Sun Press. ISBN 978-1-920338-24-4.
Theron AK, Barwell LB, Rossouw M, Maherry A, (2012). Coastal Planning and Adaptation to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts – Responding to Climate Change in Mozambique (Phase II, Theme 2). Report prepared for National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) by CSIR, CSIR Stellenbosch, South Africa. pp 266.
Theron AK, Diedericks G, Wilms J and Bergman S. (2012). Specialist Study: Coastal Marine and Terrestial Sediment Dynamics; Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Sandpiper Marine Phosphate Project, Walvis Bay, Namibia. CSIR Report ENV-S-C 2012-AT1, CSIR, Stellenbosch, South Africa. pp 115.
Theron AK, Brinkmann B, Koppe B, Werth K and Phelp D. (2013). Technical adaptation options to progressive coastal development (focussing on the development of sustainable as well as environmental-friendly, adaptive and cost-effective technical protection measures for sandy shorelines) NRF Project Report PTA GEN#224081. Funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa. A joint 3 year research programme between: Leuphana University Lüneburg; CSIR, NAUE GmbH & Co. KG. / BauberatungGeokunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG, University of Stellenbosch.
Theron, A K. (2015). Coastal flooding levels in South Africa. 12th CoastGIS Symposium 22-24 April 2015 Cape Town, South Africa. http://coastgis2015.co.za/index.php/CoastGIS/Coastgis2015/index.
Theron A.K. and Basson G.R. (2018). Reservoir Sedimentation and Potential Impact of the Proposed Smithfield Dam on the Umkhomazi River on the Coastal Sediment Budget and Shoreline Stability. Sustainable Dam Engineering In An Ever-Changing World, Somerset West, South Africa, South African National Committee on Large Dams 2018: 125-134.
Whitfield AK, GC Bate, JB Adams, PD Cowley, PW Froneman, PT Gama, NA Strydom, S Taljaard, AK Theron, JK Turpie, L Van Niekerk and TH Wooldridge. (2012). A review of the ecology and management of temporarily open/closed estuaries in South Africa, with particular emphasis on river flow and mouth state as primary drivers of these systems. African Journal of Marine Science 2012, 34(2). NISC (Pty) Ltd and Taylor & Francis, South Africa. ISSN 1814-232X EISSN 1814-2338, http://dx.doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2012.675041
Hydraulic Engineering 424;Advanced Design 446;Physical & Numerical Modelling W03-2;Coasts, Ports and the Environment W03-4;Port Management W04-2;Environmental Engineering 454;Hydrology 424
Specific research topics for the upcoming year are available below but feel free to contact our researchers directly as well.