Water and Environmental Engineering

Water and environmental engineering has to do with water resources development and management, yield analysis, low and flood flow hydrology, river hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures such as dams, tunnels and pump stations, water services, water quality and water treatment, as well as coastal and port engineering.

In the Water Division, fields of specialisation include river and stormwater hydraulics, design of hydraulic structures, hydrology, water services, water quality and treatment, and port and coastal engineering.

The division is endowed with an excellent and spacious hydraulic laboratory where a large number of model studies have been performed. Computer modelling also finds wide application in research and specialist consulting work.

River hydraulics, rock scour, design of large hydraulic structures

Water and Environmental Engineering

Water resources, flood hydrology, water governance

Engineering Hydrology, Fluid Mechanics, Climate Change Adaptation, and Flood Resilience


Specific research topics for the upcoming year are available below but feel free to contact our researchers directly as well.

Water and Environmental Engineering Research Topics 2025